Monitoring of the state of resilience/fragility of society, its vulnerability to external and internal threats, including in political, economic, socio-cultural, informational and other spheres
A socially important project implemented by CENSS’ own resources.
Project implementation period: 2019 – 2021.
The purpose of the monitoring is:
- identification of factors that may cause/stress political and other group conflicts, lead to the fragmentation of society, increasing tension in it both in general and in its individual parts (communities);
early identification of potential threats to resilience of society, assessment of their level and awareness of such threats;
developing new and assessing existing strategies and activities for conflict prevention, conflict management, mediation and post-conflict resolution and other conflict-related issues.
The monitoring results can be found at the link:
Як підприємці домоглися відкриття ринків в Україні: історія протистояння