Center for Security Studies “CENSS”.

22nd July 2024

09:00 – 18:00

Mon. – Fri.


st. Mechnikov,

10/2, of. 25, Kyiv

Program for assessing the potential of conflicts at the local level

Program for assessing the potential of conflicts at the local level

The project is implementing within the framework of the project “Local Self-Government and the Rule of Law in Ukraine” implemented by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) during 2014-2022 with the financial support from Sweden.

Project implementation period: July 2021 – February 2022.


The purpose of the project was to:
1. develop and implement the methodology of self-assessment of the potential for conflict in communities including development of checklist and the Methodology Recommendations;
2. provide technical assistance to selected communities in a format of consultations and series of dialogues in the communities following the outcomes of methology application within selected communities.
Activities were carried out in five cities of Ukraine: Pyriatyn (Poltava oblast), Ternivka (Dnipropetrovsk oblast), Sambir (Lviv oblast), Chuhuiv (Kharkiv oblast) and Lviv.
The total number of local experts involved in the project was 127 persons, including representatives of local self-government bodies (hereinafter — the LGBs), municipal institutions, local executive authorities and non-governmental organizations (hereinafter – the NGOs).
Within the Program, 5 partner communities were invited to identify existing conflicts and/or risks of conflict in their communities based on self-assessment.
Working Groups formed by the LGBs identified priority issues (conflicts, situations of tension) based on the results of the self-assessment, in the solution of which CENSS experts were involved in order to provide qualified advisory support and assistance in resolution. The issues were considered in the format of consultations and dialogue sessions. Experts conducted 10 dialogue sessions, and in some communities’ provided additional consultations and trainings, with the participation of representatives of LGBs, the public, local executive authorities.
