Center for Security Studies “CENSS”.

22nd July 2024

09:00 – 18:00

Mon. – Fri.


st. Mechnikov,

10/2, of. 25, Kyiv

Viktoriia Voronina



Executive Director

From 2012 till 2015 she worked in the tax service.

In the period from 2015 till 2016, she headed the direction of international cooperation, coordination of projects and programs in the State Agency of Ukraine for Donbas Recovery and in the Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs of Ukraine.

She headed the Office of the Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs of Ukraine for 3 years.

In 2019, she served as Deputy Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs of Ukraine.

She participated in the development and promotion of strategic documents of the Government of Ukraine on issues of recovery and peacebuilding, conflict prevention and resolution, mediation, social cohesion, reconciliation, reintegration.

The Multilateral Trust Fund for Ukraine, а multidonor fund administered by the World Bank, was created to assist communities affected by the armed conflict and maintened under the coordination of Viktoriia Voronina.

During her work in the Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs of Ukraine, she was also involved in coordination of mine action measures, in particular: development of mine action standards, the concept and basic principles of functioning of the National Mine Action Authority, methodological recommendations on mine risk education and explosive remnants of war, international cooperation in the field of mine action, coordination of activities on mines and explosives risk education, assistance to persons affected by mines and explosive remnants of war.

She has many years of experience in developing and implementing projects and activities on social cohesion and reconciliation, including national communication and information campaigns, dialogues, projects for psychosocial support of the civilians, as well as projects and activities in the field of “people-to-people diplomacy” with the involvement of international partners and experts, local authorities, the public sector and mass media.

She is a co-author and author of methodical manuals and recommendations for authorities and local self-government in various areas of public administration during armed conflict and post-conflict reconstruction (organization of the community recovery process, reintegration of veterans, assistance to victims of the conflict-related sexual violence, organization of a system of assistance to victims of mines and explosives in the community, assessments of the risks of conflicts in communities negatively affected by the armed conflict, etc.).

She has been engaged in the study and implementation in Ukraine of the positive experience of conflict resolution in Colombia, Georgia, Moldova, the countries that were part of Yugoslavia as well as in Northern Ireland (UK).

Since October 2019, Victoria Voronina has been the executive director of CENSS and manager of many projects of the Center. She also cooperates as an expert with international organizations and foreign state institutions, is an expert of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine on supporting dialogue/mediation in social conflicts.

In 2023-2024, she was an Adviser to the Minister of Veterans Affairs (on a on a voluntary basis).

She has 2 higher educations – law (international law) and pedagogical. She teaches at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at the Department of Theory and Practice of Management.

Competencies and areas of interest: public administration, increasing the resilience and cohesion of communities, conflict prevention and resolution, mediation and dialogue, mine action, small arms and light weapons.
