From June 7 to 14, the Executive Director of CENSS, Viktoria Voronina, participated in conferences and meetings with international partners who are helping Ukraine resist Russian aggression and rebuild the country.
Together with other non-governmental organizations, we visited Brussels, where meetings were held with representatives of the European Parliament and the European Commission. These discussions focused on the EU’s financial support program for Ukraine, which amounts to 50 billion euros for the 2024-2027 period. The program is intended to finance the national budget, stimulate investments, and provide technical support for its implementation.
During the meetings with various Directorates, Viktoria Voronina highlighted the following points:
- The need to ensure continuity and sustainability in the coordination of Ukraine’s recovery process.
- Best practices for implementing projects in Ukraine.
- Mechanisms for transparent use and equal access to resources.
- The importance of building the capacity of government institutions at both the national and local levels.
- The value of studying the successful experiences of communities that have already demonstrated effective recovery or had such experience between 2014 and 2021.
- The need to create conditions that foster business development during this challenging period for Ukraine.
The visits to Brussels and Berlin were the concluding events of a series of activities initiated by civil society and supported by the Swedish Government Agency, the Folke Bernadotte Academy.