What are the signs to detect and neutralize Russian spies?

Vadym Chernysh, Head of the Board of the CENSS, participated in the latest edition of the analytical platform “Analyze,” where he, along with journalist Mykola Veresny and another expert, discussed, among other things, the activities of Russian influence agents in Ukraine.


There are no serious negotiations on peace in Ukraine today

Vadym Chernysh, Head of the Board of CENSS, joined the latest edition of the analytical platform “Analyze” as an expert, where, together with host Mykola Veresny and another expert, he discussed the topic of possible peace negotiations and the reasons why Ukraine has not been provided with long-range weapons.


When problems in the health system become a threat to national security (COVID-19 case)

Undoubtedly, the early detection and rapid response to coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (hereinafter referred to as “coronavirus”) is a matter of national security.

According to reports of the South China Morning Post, the first case of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, can be traced back to November 17, 2019, according to the data of the People’s Republic of China. The coronavirus and the disease became widely known around the world already in December.
