"СЕНСС" июля 25, 2024 No Comments

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ estimates, after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, approximately 3 million units of firearms may end up in the hands of civilians (National Police of Ukraine, 2023). In this context, the question arises: does Ukraine have a comprehensive policy on firearms? And if not, is such a policy needed?

To answer these questions, CENSS experts conducted a study, the results of which are presented in the article titled “Does Ukraine Need a Policy on Firearms?” by Vadym Chernysh, Head of the Board of CENSS, and Victoriia Voronina, Executive Director of CENSS. The research involved analyzing public statements from government bodies, reports, and other information from both state and non-state open sources, as well as current legal regulations.

To cut to the chase, based on the conducted analysis, the authors first demonstrated that Ukraine lacks a unified and comprehensive state policy regarding the circulation of firearms. It was also found that the narrow understanding of firearms circulation as a phenomenon prevents the formation of such a policy.

None of the ministries, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, mention in their mandates the authority to ensure the formation and implementation of state policy concerning the fight against the illegal circulation of firearms.

Statements from the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ leadership during 2023-2024 indicate that the ministry sees state policy on combating the circulation of illegal weapons as part of the broader state policy on crime prevention and public safety. At the same time, the Ministry considers “a single register of firearms as the main tool to prevent their illegal circulation, which is especially important in wartime.”

In addition to recognizing the problem, the authors provide recommendations on how a comprehensive firearms policy can be formed in Ukraine:

The first and most important step is to realize that the post-war reconstruction and further development of Ukraine, as well as individual territorial communities, must take into account that issues related to firearms circulation will directly affect all social processes. Moreover, issues related to firearms circulation touch on many aspects of social and political life in the state and require a comprehensive, broad, and multidimensional approach. The focus should shift from a narrow, purely law enforcement approach to a more comprehensive one. Given the relevance of issues related to firearms circulation, almost all central executive bodies should be involved.

It is clear that the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, when developing veteran policy, should take into account the best global practices that have proven effective. One key element of veteran policy should be disarmament.

As for specific steps to form a unified, comprehensive state firearms policy, it is suggested that the policy be implemented in several stages:

Stage One: The feasibility of forming such a policy should be determined based on sociological research, studying foreign experience, and conducting scientific research.

Stage Two: After reviewing and processing the results of the research by the relevant central executive bodies, conclusions should be prepared regarding the necessity of formulating an overarching state firearms policy. At this stage, it would be beneficial to involve national and international experts, scholars, and professionals. If it is confirmed that a policy is necessary, a relevant document should be drafted.

Stage Three: The document prepared in Stage Two should undergo broad public discussion.

Stage Four: After the public discussion, the relevant legal document should be adopted by the Ukrainian government.

You can read the full text of the article “Does Ukraine Need a Policy on Firearms?” here: https://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/public-management/article/view/3198


Photo source: The New Voice of Ukraine