Developing the potential of student youth in the field of national security and national stability
The project is implementing in partnership with National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Project implementation period: from 2020 to now.
As part of the cooperation between the Center for Security Studies “CENSS” and the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and the study of the academic discipline “Fundamentals of National Security”, the teacher of which is the Head of the Governing Council of “CENSS” Vadym Chernysh, we are attracting students of the master’s degree of specialties ” public management and administration” and “mediation and conflict resolution” to developments in the field of national security and national stability.
The main goal of this activity is to increase the awareness and activity of students in important social issues related to the security and stability of the country.
On our website, we publish examples of the best student works, which you can read through the following links:
Права людини та національна безпека
Стан взаємовідносин НАТО та України
Конфлікт в Нагірному Карабасі: причини розгортання та ескалації