The project is implemented by the Center for Security Studies (CENSS) together with the Small Arms Survey with funding from the German Government. The project implementation period is 2023-2025.
During the meeting, participants engaged in discussions on the current situation in Ukraine, as well as the risks of illicit small arms and light weapons and ammunition flows in the region. Opportunities for cooperation within the UNG and specific needs were also discussed. These inputs will inform the development of the networking strategy. Planned activities throughout the project will include training sessions on small arms-related issues, the provision of micro-grants for research, and mentoring opportunities tailored to the priorities and profiles of the members.
About the UNG:
The Ukrainian Network Group consists of scientists, journalists, judicial experts, and representatives of non-governmental organizations who specialize in issues relating to weapons research and community security. The UNG intends to serve as a capacity-building mechanism, an experience exchange, and a knowledge dissemination platform for the Ukraine small arms and light weapons project.
- Capacity building: the UNG will enhance its members’ capacity to design and implement activities that will contribute to the reduction of illicit small arms proliferation in Ukraine.
- Knowledge dissemination and public awareness: the UNG will contribute to the dissemination of project outputs through its members’ networks to help raise awareness, increase understanding, and foster action on small arms-related issues.
Contact information:
The project page: