"СЕНСС" января 18, 2020 No Comments

Vadym Chernysh congratulated the second graduation of Masters in Conflict Management and Mediation of the Faculty of Sociology and Law of the NTUU “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” with the completion of training and obtaining diplomas. The festivities were held on January 17, 2020 at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute with the participation of first Vice-Rector Yuriy Yakimenko, Ambassador of Switzerland to Ukraine Claude Wild and the Director of British Council in Ukraine Simon Williams.

Three years ago, Vadym Chernysh, as Minister of MTOT, initiated the training of specialists in conflict management in Ukraine. Thus, our cooperation with the KPI began in late spring 2017, when, together with the Faculty of Sociology and Law, with the support of the governments of Switzerland and the United Kingdom and the direct involvement of teachers from their top universities, we launched the first in Ukraine master’s program on training of specialists in the field of conflict management and mediation.

 Curriculum, programs, manuals, library of professional literature – all this was created jointly with international experts and the Faculty of “Sociology and Law” of the KPI in a few months, so that the students of one of the most respected Ukrainian university could obtain the best knowledge and start training in 2017.

During the graduation ceremony, Vadym Chernysh emphasized: “Ukraine needs specialists of this profession more than ever before. I am glad that the work we have initiated has a public demand and continues to develop. The Masters have received knowledge and comprehensive training from the best international and Ukrainian teachers on conflict and peacebuilding. Today, I wish graduates to keep a light in their hearts for selfless work on this high calling.”